Sunday, August 22, 2010

Last week in Oz!

I think you should be excited right now. This post is coming with pictures!

See?? Lookie how many pictures!

The odd thing is that I don't think I have a single picture of Mildura, the spot that occupied most of my time on this continent. Oh, no- wait. I have this one.

This is Simba- the year-and-something old dog that had yet to be potty-trained. I think he was the only member of the household that didn't irritate the fucking shit out of me. His head is deceptively large. Had I gotten a full-body pic, you would have noticed that his body is horrifically out of proportion with his massively large noggin. He's still pretty cute though. So cute, in fact- that even though between the hours of 6pm and midnight, the majority of my time was spent either slipping on dog excrement, or spent cleaning it up after slipping on it--- I still didn't mind him. I even let him sleep on the couch with me every now again~ that is, until he started getting fresh. Crawling into my shirt was cute. Biting my boob after I had fallen asleep was not.

Anyway, I left Mildura on the 18th, and boarded a bus to Adelaide to visit Matt for a few days. Ohhh. Words can't describe the pleasure of sleeping on a real bed, in a real house, with real hot showers after sharing a flat with 6 other people who all do farm work and are much pushier about getting washed up after work than you are. Matt had a pretty ambitious sight-seeing agenda for me--- but the only sights I was interested in seeing were on the inside of his pantry.

After blurry-eyed goodbye at 5 in the morning, I loaded onto a plane to head north and take in the cheery faces of my Indian travel-mates. Just look at these cheery faces! As always- I had a blast partying, reminiscing, and general what-not with these two. Thanks to Pops' generosity- I've also managed to reload my wardrobe before heading on to SudAmerica. A very lucrative stop, to be sure.

So I'm here in Byron Bay- pouting about the rainy weather while munching on Home Brand biscuits. I'm wrapping up my bid-niss here as quickly as possible before going back on to Sydney to watch the Heartbreak Kid and eat my very last Tim Tams with Frase-book. I'm juiced about getting a move-on to Peru, but the very finality of my time on this side of the world is starting to sink in. I'M ON THE LAST LEG OF MY TRIP! Craziness.

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